S U P E R   S K I D M A R K S   / /   T H E   A L B U M   W I T H   A T T I T U D E   ( 7 : 0 1 )
Back in the 90's I wrote the music for classic Amiga car-racer Super Skidmarks, on an Amiga 500 and a magazine coverdisk version of Teijo Kinnunen's fantastic music-tracker software OctaMED.
A tracker is basically a spreadsheet you type notes and hexadecimal codes in to make music. It seems awful, but it's an amazing way to work and I miss it sometimes. However, a caveat composing guitar like that, is you could blithely type up note runs or chords inadvertantly tortuous for a guitarist to play.
So decades later, when I was invited to remake this track as part of retro compilation album, Amiga Power: The Album With Attitude, of course I elected to perform all the guitar parts live. That I was able to eventually, I think speaks less of my fortitude and more of the versatility of the guitar fretboard.
For a bit of fun, below I've sync'd up my original 8-bit Amiga music with the modern remake.
Press play and leave the DJ fader at full left to hear only the original, or drag it full right for only the remake. Drag or click/tap anywhere in between to blend the two however you like.
Note: the remake begins six seconds after the original. If audio stops, try waiting a bit – it may be buffering. In the case of bad sync, pausing/replaying or reloading the page can help.
