a s   P R I S O N E R S   O F   N E P T U N E
w i t h   J O N A T H A N   D O W E R
M I R R O R   W O R L D   ( a l b u m )

The Prisoners' follow-up to their debut was again created largely in real-time using an ever-changing landscape of music equipment warily-referred to as The Beast. Mirror World shares its name with a track on the debut and its music video, created by Anthony at the completion of this album, echoing the concept of reflection.


a s   P R I S O N E R S   O F   N E P T U N E
w i t h   J O N A T H A N   D O W E R
P R I S O N E R S   O F   N E P T U N E   ( a l b u m )

The debut album from long-time collaborators Jonathan Dower and Anthony Milas, Prisoners of Neptune self-titled work of evocative electronic improvisation topped the Finnish iTunes charts within days of its release.

#1 Album Downloads – iTunes Finland, 9th July 2019


a s   A N T H O N Y   M I L A S
o n   T H E   A L B U M   W I T H   A T T I T U D E
S U P E R   S K I D M A R K S   ( a l b u m   t r a c k )

For this compilation of retro nostalgia, Anthony was invited to remake his 7-minute epic 8-bit heavy metal opera, the music for Acid Software's second UK #1 game, Super Skidmarks. The original gave no consideration to being able to actually physically play on a real guitar, but Anthony had long dreamed of doing so, and was both elated and terrified to finally have to.


a s   U N B R E A K A B L E   F O U N D A T I O N
S O N G   O F   C R E A T I O N   ( r a d i o   s i n g l e )

Released to every radio station in New Zealand through the gracious effort of Anthony's sister Rashida Milas, this dream-like cover of an acapella of unknown origin resulted in an unusual meeting. A determined fan of the piece tracked Anthony down, confessing they were "haunted and obsessed" by it, and yet – perhaps in keeping with the sage wisdom to never meet your heroes – was never heard from again.


a s   A N T H O N Y   M I L A S
F R O M   T H E   E M P T I N E S S   ( a l b u m )

Thirty-nine minutes of strangeness, mayhem & beauty in the form of electronic-folk-pop-punk, hastily extracted from the emptiness using esoteric meditation techniques, forbidden technology and a giant tub of luck. An experimental album where every live track and lyric is an improvised first take.

"Anthony Milas was performed by these songs." – liner notes


a s   U N B R E A K A B L E   F O U N D A T I O N
S   ( a l b u m )

"An excellent mood-setting album geared towards relaxation, introspection & feeling calm and meditative, with enough organic elements to make you feel as though you are sitting atop a mountain. His musical approach gives a worldly feel similar to Gotan Project, with ambience and driving beats reminiscent of Radiohead and Boards of Canada."
– RadioIndy Review


w i t h   L E I L A   Q .
W H A T   W I L L   I . . . ?   ( s i n g l e )

What will you choose today? The conveyer-belt lifestyle? Or will you break out and shine? This collaborative six-minute manifesto – originally a poem by Leila Q. – turned her debut vocal performance with music & production by Anthony Milas. Legend has it NZ dubstep pioneer Optimus Gryme listened to this at first light every morning, to self-motivate during a trying time. For the creators there's nothing greater to hear.